Welcome to the PIT List!

I'm a network field producer who also worked in local tv as a line producer and field producer. Over the years, I have had the great fortune to work with super people. Now I'd like to pass along what I know and rant a tad.

"Dear Maggie..." pitlist@gmail.com
I check it sporadically, but I love answering emails, so if you have an issue or difficult person you need help with, don't hesitate to shoot it my way.

Maggie L

Maggie L
One of the rare times I'm in the office

Monday, December 15, 2008


There's a new twitter site that's tracking who's being laid off in the media.
How sad is it that there are enough layoffs to sustain a whole twitter feed?

Also, I meant to mention this the other day when I first heard it, but kudos to NPR for actually doing a story on its own layoffs...

In contrast, I thought it a little odd that NBC, on a day when they practically led Nightly with news of mass layoffs, there was nary a mention of their own layoffs going on that day. 500 jobs/3% of workforce not worth reporting when you're detailing other companies financial woes? Weak.

In the interest of self-disclosure, I've read on some of the media websites about possible layoffs coming at Fox O&O's.

Frightening times.

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