Welcome to the PIT List!

I'm a network field producer who also worked in local tv as a line producer and field producer. Over the years, I have had the great fortune to work with super people. Now I'd like to pass along what I know and rant a tad.

"Dear Maggie..." pitlist@gmail.com
I check it sporadically, but I love answering emails, so if you have an issue or difficult person you need help with, don't hesitate to shoot it my way.

Maggie L

Maggie L
One of the rare times I'm in the office

Thursday, March 12, 2009

P.S. On Small Versus Big Market

I forgot to add a really important point: when making a decision on where to move, consider management, not market size. I cannot emphasize this enough. I would MUCH rather be in a small market with awesome management than a large market with goofballs running the show. A good shop is worth a lot no matter what its market size. There are great managers is big markets too, but don't let market size alone drive your decision making or your career.

There is also something to be said for people who produce in their hometown, no matter what its market size. You are doing your community a great favor in that you care enough about your town to stay and make sure the news is covered and presented correctly. It is no understatement to say that as someone who grew up or has lived in the community, you are a huge asset to your newsroom. You have something to bring to the party! And sometimes you pass up lots more money to do so!

1 comment:

John said...

The danger is hitching your wagon to any station's current management is that NDs come and go. That small market manager you loved working for could herself move to a bigger market, leaving you in Podunkville AND working for crappy bosses.

I agree that size is not everything when it comes to markets but who the current managers are at a given station might rank even lower on my priorities.

The people who would most affect my decision about a station are the long-timers who will remain after any regime change. They're the ones I have to feel comfortable with for the long haul.